Recount text

 Apakah kalian semua tahu tentang recount text ????
Mungkin sebagian dari kalian semua tahu apa itu recount text ..
Berikut ini adalah penjelasan tentang recount text ,, saya harap bagi kalian yang belum mengerti tentang recount text , dapat mengerti setelah membaca penjelasan ini ...

Recount text is a text that is user to retell event for the purpose of forming or entertaining.

The generic structures of recount text are :
- Orientation (it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened).
- Events (a series of events, ordered in a choronological sequence).
- Re – orientation (restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer the inceident).

The significan Lexicogrammatical features :
- Use of simple past tense
- Use of temporal conjunction (when, after, before, next, later, then).
- Use of personal pronoun (I, we)

I. Text Recount
Text recount is a reading text loretan event for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
II. Sosial Function
To retell event for the purpose in informing or entertaining

Significant Lexicosrammatical teartuter
- Focus on specific participants
- Use of material processer
- Use of past tense
- Focus on temporal sequence

The generic structure
Orientation : Set the scane it provides the background’s information
needed to understand the text such as what it happened.
Event’t : The frequency on incidents. At varios stagor there may be
same personal comment on the incide we call it re-orientation.
Re-orientation : It’s used to retell past event for the purpose (The condusion
of-of informing or entertaining the story).



Orientation : I wass driwing along the coar road when
the car suddenly lurched to one side.

  • Event 1 : At first, thougt a type had gone but then I sak telegrahph poler calapsing like matc sticks.
  • Event 2 : The rocks come tumbling across The road an I had to abandon the car
  • Event 3 : When I got back to down, well as I said there wasn’t much left


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