
Hari ini aku pengen ngelanjutin primbon yang aku tulis ..
Kali ini aku lagi pengen nulis tentang invitation ,, soal nya hari ini aku ngundang temen aku buat dateng ke rumah aku untuk bantuin nulis primbon yang lainnya .. Hehehe :D
Invitation is a way to ask some one to go to an event or a place or to do something.The function of invitation is to ask some one to go to a place or to do something.We usually use the “invitation” in our daily life, for example if we want to hold an event like a birthday party . We use the invitaion and if we want some one to do something , like if we want our friend to help us. We use the invitation too.

There are 2 types of Invitation:
Invitation Formal
- Formal Invitation is the official invitation usually written reply came from such institutions and companies etc.
Invitation Informal
- Informal invitation is not an official invitation written / oral and this invitation is usually given to friends, family and others

Invitation Verbal
We want to invite you to come to our house
Can you come to my restaurant?
Are you free tonight?

Accepting (menerima)
I like that
That sounds good
Thank you for inviting

I like that but I can't
I'm very sorry for not able to come
Sorry, I'm very busy

EXAMPLE informal invitation:

EXAMPLE formal invitation:


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